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Privacy Policy

Personal Data Protection Notice  
  1. In choosing Money Line Solutions Sdn Bhd 202101004551 (1404850-H) (‘MLS’), MLS is glad to be of assistance to you and would like to notify you that the collection of your personal data will be subject to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”). For the purposes of this Notice, the expression “personal data”, “sensitive personal data”, “data subject”, “data user” and “data processor” shall have the meaning as defined in the
  1. By using our application, you hereby voluntarily consent to MLS collection, recording, holding, storing, using and/or otherwise processing your sensitive and personal Please be informed that this consent shall be binding and applicable until MLS receives a duly acknowledged written notice of revocation of consent from you. However, if and should you limit, refuse to grant and/or revoke this consent, MLS reserves its rights, at any time to refuse, suspend and/or terminate any and/or services to you.
  1. Your personal data may be collected, recorded, held, stored, used and/or otherwise processed by either by way of hard copy, electronically and or any other medium. Your personal data Information submitted to us may be saved and transmitted to our servers in Malaysia. You hereby consent to any cross-border transfer of your personal data and sensitive personal data for the purposes set out in paragraph 7 below.
  1. The personal data collected shall include (but not limited) to name, address, copies and details of identification documents, contact details, details of bank account, employment history, credit and references check, marital status, health status, commission or alleged commission of offence, personal financial and social security MLS may also collect, record, hold, store and/or process the following information: device information, log information such as date, time, and length of each visit to MLS’s website, browsing history, internet protocol address, cookies and location information. You may refuse to accept the cookies. However, you may not be able to access to certain sections or features of MLS’s website if you refuse to accept the cookies.
  1. You hereby consent that MLS may collect, record, hold, store, use and/or otherwise process your information from other sources and you hereby irrevocably authorise MLS to process any of your information which MLS may require from any sources. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, MLS may collect or otherwise process your information from any third-party background checks, any credit reporting agency, any medical practitioner or laboratory, any regulatory authorities, agencies, government department and any authority (such as BRIM), central depository or depository agent, for the following purposes:
  1. to conduct credit and/or litigation checks on you;
  2. to obtain any information relating to your health status;
  3. to obtain any information relating to your credit intelligence, profile and other credit information;
  4. to obtain and verify any information about you as MLS in its sole discretion shall deem fit, including for the purpose of complying with anti-money laundering laws; and
  5. to disclose any information and data relating to you to the Central Bank of Malaysia, any governmental or regulatory agency or authority, any credit bureau, any credit reporting agency, and any other person to whom disclosure is permitted and/or required by law.
  1. Data processors include any person or organisation that is not a data user that processes personal data on MLS’s behalf and/or on MLS’s You hereby consent that MLS may appoint any data processors of its choice to process your personal data and sensitive personal data.
  1. You hereby acknowledge, confirm and consent that MLS may collect, record, hold, store, use and/or otherwise process your personal data for the following purposes:
    1. in all matters pertaining to the contract entered or to be entered into between you and MLS;
    2. for the purposes of processing your application, request and/or queries;
    3. for the purposes of providing you with MLS’s services;
    4. for the purposes of internal control and risk management;
    5. to conduct analysis and evaluation of MLS’s website and services in order to assist MLS to improve its website and services;
    6. monitoring compliance with the agreement in paragraph (a) and MLS rules and policies for the time being in force, your access to its website and any other applicable laws;
    7. complying with the compliance and disclosure requirements of any and all governmental and/or quasigovernment departments, agencies, regulatory and/or statutory bodies;
    8. complying with any legal obligation binding on MLS under any law, rule, regulation, by-law, order, guideline, directive, policy and such other requirements in force and as amended from time to time;
    9. enforcing MLS rights under the agreement in paragraph (a) and its rules and policies for the time being in force, your access to its website, or any other applicable laws to defend our rights;
    10. for the purposes of record-keeping in the ordinary course of MLS business;
    11. for the purposes of circulating, transmitting and/or delivering to you, by any means (including emails, short messaging services, regular mails and other means), promotional materials (including products, services, new launches, upcoming events, promotions, advertisements, marketing and commercial materials) relating to MLS’s services; and
    12. for any purposes relating to or in connection with our
  1. Your personal data in MLS’s possession will be kept confidential and MLS may provide such information to the following parties (“Third Party”) for the purposes set out in paragraph 7 above:
    1. MLS’s affiliates and associated companies (whether in Malaysia or other jurisdictions);
    2. MLS’s assignee;
    3. any person to whom MLS is under an obligation to make disclosure under law, rule, regulation, by-law, order, guideline, directive, Notice;
    4. any court and/or officer of the court;
    5. MLS’s auditors, accountants and tax advisers;
    6. MLS’s legal advisers and compliance professionals;
    7. MLS’s banks; and
    8. MLS’s professional advisers, service providers and
  You hereby consent that MLS may disclose your personal data and sensitive personal data to any Third Parties for the purposes set out in paragraph above.  
  1. You may request access to and correction of any of your personal data and/or limit the processing of your personal data, or make any enquiries or complaints in respect of your personal data and sensitive personal data, by contacting us at However, we reserve the rights to refuse your data access request in accordance with the
  1. You are responsible for ensuring that the personal data that you provide to MLC is accurate, complete and not misleading and that such personal data is kept up-to-date, and you shall promptly keep us informed in the event the personal data is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or not up-to-date and you shall provide us the true, accurate, complete, and updated personal data at all material
  1. In the event you provide MLS with the personal data, sensitive personal data or information about any other persons other than yourself, then you hereby confirm that he/she has appointed you to act for him/her, to consent to the processing of his/her personal data in accordance with this Notice and to receive on his/her behalf any data protection notices.
  1. MLS will retain your data for as long as is necessary for MLS to comply with its obligations under any contract between MLS or imposed under law, or for the fulfilment of the purposes set out in this Notice or as is required to satisfy any legal, regulatory and/or accounting MLS will permanently delete or destroy your personal data if your personal data is no longer necessary for the fulfilment of the purposes set out in this Notice.
  1. MLS reserve the right to amend this Notice at any time and from time to time and a notice of such amendments will be made available to you through written notice or other mode which MLS views appropriate and suitable. You shall send MLS a written revocation of consent if you do not agree to MLS continued possession of your personal data in accordance with the revised
  1. In the event this Notice is available in more than one language, the English version shall be treated as the principal version and the remaining shall be treated as translations from the English version, and the English version shall prevail in the event of any conflict, inconsistency or discrepancy between the various
  1. Should you wish to request for access to your Personal Information, request for amendment/correction of such Personal Information or provide any feedback to MLS on this Privacy Notice, you may contact MLS at the following address, phone and/or e-mail:-
MONEY LINE SOLUTIONS SDN. BHD. 202101004551 (1404850-H)

03-2716 3021

last update : 16.2.2023